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4 Solutions to Eliminate Carpet Odours

Aug 23, 2024 | Carpet Cleaning

Carpets can trap both visible dirt and unpleasant odours. Fortunately, these smells can be
eradicated with effective steam carpet cleaning and other methods.

1. Causes of Carpet Odours

Carpet fibres are porous, absorbing dirt and substances that cause stale smells. Smoke, cooking
odours, old stains, pet urine, bacteria, and water damage can all contribute to odours.

2. Challenges of Carpet Odours

Carpet odours cannot be removed by vacuuming. Deodorising products often mask the smell
temporarily. Persistent odours make spaces unhealthy and uninviting, so prompt action is needed.
Here are four solutions for tackling carpet odours. First, identify the cause.

1 – Salt Solution

Salt absorbs moisture from spills like pet urine. Leave it on the spill until the carpet is dry, then
vacuum it up.

2 – Baking Soda

Baking soda neutralises odours. Sprinkle it on the affected area, let it sit for at least half an hour,
then vacuum thoroughly. Add essential oils for extra freshness.

3 – Soap and Water Solution

Mix half a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid with warm water. Apply to the area, blot until the
stain and smell disappear, then spray with a water and vinegar solution. Repeat if necessary. For
stubborn odours, add hydrogen peroxide, testing on a hidden area first.

4 – Steam Carpet Cleaning

Professional steam carpet cleaning is the best option for tough odours. High-pressure machines
inject water and a safe cleaning solution into the carpet, dislodging dirt and neutralising odours.
This method also kills bacteria. Choose a reputable company experienced in odour removal for
the best results.

At East London Carpet Cleaning, we use advanced steam cleaning systems to remove even the
most stubborn odours. Contact us for more information.