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Preventing Allergies with Steam Carpet Cleaning

Aug 16, 2024 | Carpet Cleaning

In the UK, nearly 25% of adults are affected by allergies, with unclean carpets being a significant
factor in worsening symptoms. Thankfully, you can maintain an allergen-free home by using the
best steam carpet cleaning service in East London.

1. The Hazards of Unclean Carpets

Carpet fibres efficiently trap dirt and particles, which are pushed deeper over time, becoming
harder to remove. Regular vacuuming doesn’t eliminate all this embedded dirt.

Carpets can house various contaminants. Besides visible dirt like mud and crumbs, invisible
organisms such as dust mites thrive in dirty carpets, feeding on trapped debris.

Germs, bacteria, pollen, and pet dander also find their way into carpets. Damp carpets that aren’t
properly dried can develop mould and mildew spores deep within, often unnoticed initially.

These contaminants can lead to various health issues, particularly for allergy sufferers, causing
itchy skin, runny noses, sneezing, sore throats, and breathing problems.

2. Managing Allergen Accumulation

If you suffer from allergies like asthma or hay fever, you might think carpets are unsuitable.
However, with proper care, you can enjoy carpets without health risks.

To prevent allergen build-up, avoid wearing outdoor shoes indoors, vacuum regularly with a
HEPA filter machine, use an allergy-rated air purifier, and frequently brush pets to reduce loose

Tackle carpet stains immediately to prevent bacterial growth, which can cause odours and health
risks. If a carpet gets wet, ensure its thoroughly dried and the room is well-ventilated to prevent
mould and mildew.

All carpet types can harbour allergens. If you're choosing a new carpet and have allergies, opt for
a VOC-free, short-strand carpet like nylon instead of long-pile wool.

3. Steam Cleaning

Even with regular vacuuming, professional carpet cleaning at least once a year, or more
frequently if allergens are prevalent, is essential. Allergens can be present year-round, so
consider periodic cleaning beyond the pollen season.

Steam cleaning is highly effective for removing household allergens. Consumer Reports tested
various methods and found steam cleaning superior for eliminating pollen, dust mites, and pet
dander compared to other techniques like dry cleaning.

4. Benefits of Steam Cleaning

Professionals favour steam cleaning for its excellent results and speed. The method involves
injecting steam into the carpet at high pressure, penetrating deep into the fibres and reaching
allergens and irritants at the carpet’s base.

The high temperature of the steam kills bacteria, germs, dust mites, and other harmful organisms,
removing the substances that cause allergic reactions.

Moreover, steam cleaning can deep clean carpets without using chemicals, which is crucial for
allergy sufferers and those with sensitive skin, as chemical residues can also cause health issues.

5. DIY Steam Cleaning: Be Cautious

While hiring a steam cleaner might seem cost-effective, it’s a task best left to professionals.
Proper carpet cleaning requires knowledge of different materials and techniques.

Hired machines are often less powerful than professional equipment, and incorrect use can
damage your carpets. Professionals use advanced steam cleaners that operate with low moisture
levels, ensuring quick drying times and reducing mould and mildew risk.

For the best steam carpet cleaning in East London, contact East London Carpet Cleaning. We
provide top-quality services to deep clean your carpets, enhance their appearance, and prevent